
est. 12/25/2022

Home LoFi Programming Randomness

Obviously I just created this. I'll be developing it gradually.

Some of the things you will eventually find here:

Update: 03/21/2024 at 03:05 UTC

I am planning on making some major updates to deepmind. I want to add an actual "blog" (if you can really call it that) and some stuff that I consider "LoFi" -- not necessarily music but all sorts of things. To me, LoFi designates something more deeply fundamental about the world than most people refer to using the term LoFi. I am not entirely sure how to describe it here, but hopefully it will become more clear when I start posting such things on the LoFi page of the site. Experimental photography and videography with analog cameras and art made using analog materials will play a role.

I also notice that I still have no followers of deepmind. It's not that I need followers, but it would be nice to connect with some other Neocitizens through mutual follows.

Update: 03/18/2024 at 06:30 UTC

I'm still awake and don't really want to sleep but I know I must. I feel trapped in liminal space.

Update: 03/18/2024 at 06:20 UTC

Why is it that so many people think their way of thinking is the only right way? The whole world is losing their minds.

Update: 03/18/2024 at 02:18 UTC

No real updates. I'm sitting here feeling bored and unmotivated. The state of the world is weighing on me tonight. Have any of you ever thought about just opting out of society? It's a tempting thought.

Update: 03/12/2024 at 15:52 UTC

I have no followers on here yet. I suppose I'm wasting my time bothering with this site, but for some reason I feel compelled to keep it going even if I only update it sparingly.

Update: 02/28/2024 at 04:10 UTC

There is no way anyone can argue that our society is not in need of serious reform. I mean the whole society, not just the government. The way people treat each other is deplorable. We need reform of our society, of our relationships and, most importantly, of ourselves.

Update: 02/26/2024 at 20:08 UTC

I had deleted this site but then decided to restore it and start working on it again.

There are many reasons I restored deepmind. Perhaps I will elucidate these reasons in the future. For now, just know that it has to do with the decline of the internet and the WWW through their very progress. Sites like this one are the digital version of a post-apocalyptic society painted through the words of countless novels and the vast store of motion pictures made over the years. This is what the WWW could look like again after the so-called information superhighway has cracked and crumbled due to the stressful weight of our own incessant navel-gazing.

Stand by for future updates.

Update: 01/10/2023 at 18:57 UTC

You be the judge.

Update: 01/07/2023 at 22:35 UTC

Kevin McCarthy won Speaker of the House by attrition, but that is nothing new. Republicans have been mashing their flacid policies down the throats of the people for a long time now.

Update: 01/03/2023 at 17:21 UTC

I have made no significant updates to the website.

It occurs to me that I should point out the fact that I am progressive and liberal. No one should ever confuse me for a conservative in any sense of the word.

Update: 01/01/2023 at 14:59 UTC

Happy New Year to everyone who may read this. May the coming year be good for you.

Update: 12/30/2022

I created some of the other pages for this and added the navigation bar to them. That's all I've really done. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do with this site but hopefully whatever I do will be worth it.

Added 12/31/2022 at 04:41 UTC
Elon Musk is nothing more than a corporate whoremonger who spends his time getting rich while suckling on the collective teet of those who seek to perpetuate their own elitist self-delusions by purchasing his failing automobiles to flaunt as status symbols among their similarly self-deluded friends.

Added 12/31/2022 at 04:02 UTC
I have no reason to think that people in the area of the country I live in care about much other than shoving their own personal rights down the throats of others. There is a sense of entitlement spreading like a cancer among the population. We see it in the way the majority race persists in their attempts to subjugate minorities in all aspects of human life. We see it in my aforementioned point about corporations hell-bent on realizing profits even to the detriment of the well-being of others. It is past time for people to speak up about the injustices that plague our world.

Update: 12/29/2022

Corporate America does not care about people. They only care about the bottom line. This is true of every company no matter what they say to the contrary.

Update: 12/27/2022

We are currently sitting in a hotel in West Monroe, Louisiana during our annual vacation. I'm sitting on the bed with my Mac looking at the site and thinking about design, layout, content, etc. I've got a lot to say but not sure what words I want to use or how I want to present it. (I'm also thinking stuff like what I'm writing now should be saved for the blog section). If you are reading this, hang in there with me. I'm working on it.

Update: 12/26/2022

I've noticed several people have checked out my page. Please keep in mind that it is going to develop over time. I'm adding little by little as I refamiliarize myself with HTML, CSS, etc. It's been a LONG time since I've done this stuff.


If you link to my page, I'll link to yours.